I've had numerous requests for this method of cooking plain rice. I've never seen it anywhere else. It's been the only way I cook plain rice since I first...
This recipe comes from Jere and Emilee Gettle, who own an heirloom seed business. I prefer to use red, orange or yellow peppers instead of green. Omit...
This is a super-easy recipe, from the former Food Network host, for a savory rice dish. In spite of the cola it is not a sweet rice. This rice, says Hoffman,...
Rice with pigeon peas! A favorite of mine growing up in a Puerto Rican home :) again, I'm only a 16 year old guy trying not to starve due to a carnivore...
A wonderful salad to have at potluck parties or get-togethers. You could save time by preparing the grains and wild rice concurrently by using separate...
This is actually my version of the rice pudding you get in an East Indian Restaurant. I love that stuff but it's always made with dairy, so I came up with...
From the Chicago Tribune, as adapted from Deborah Madison's "The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone". I have not tried this yet, but it sounds refreshing...
This is the first dish I learnt as an adult and still it is my speciality... there's only one word to describe it... yum! When I'm cooking this for my...
This recipe is from the cooking.com website. It's a vegetarian version of the classic Indian main dish that features basmati rice, potato, carrots and...
Red rice is to Latin cooking what dirty rice is to Cajun cooking. The Anchote powder is from ground annatto seeds and is the main seasoning in red rice....
Entered for safe-keeping, from "Favorite Brand Name Best-Loved Chinese Recipes and More". This is a U.S. family-style recipe. Be sure to wear rubber gloves...
From The Colonial Williamsburg Tavern Cookbook, c. 2001. I add a tablespoon or two of minced onion when I add the rice. Also, I use about half the salt...
This is another recipe I found at a cooking-by-country website & is further proof that the countries of Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand & Vietnam share a...
I found this version in a local farmers market cookbook. I made a few changes but the basic recipe is still the same. Most other versions call for dried...
Delicious beef sausages cooked in a tomato sauce. Adapted from "Tunisia: Mediterranean Cuisine" published by Konemann. This recipe has five separate parts....
Known in Afghanistan as quabili pilau, this is a delicious and festive dish. A combination of several quabili recipes that I found online and made my own,...
Shrimp are served with a salsa ranchero (country-style sauce)over a molded ring of green rice and garnished with parsley and avocado slices- muy bueno!...
Discounting kitchen staples that you should already have on hand (rice, onion, ground ginger, sugar, soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, oil, red pepper flakes),...
This is a mouthwatering recipe for Arabian roast lamb and spiced rice, and it is truly fit for a King and Queen! Roast leg or shoulder of lamb which is...
I think this way of making rice comes from the North of Iran. I prefer this to the more classic polow as it's less work to do and it's faster.My husband...
Vij's note: This cauliflower rice pilaf tastes great with raita or plain yogurt as a light meal on its own. Otherwise, it's a great accompaniment to any...
A nice combination and nice-for-a-change side dish. It is very easy! I tried it for the first time with Lazaro, a friend who is into vegetarian dieting....